Friday, October 19, 2007

Complaining is My Hobby

Well, this has been a busy week. My oldest baby turned eight yesterday, and I have already proclaimed my disbelief. She wanted breakfast for her birthday "dinner", and pumpkin pie rather than a cake. Sunday, we had her party, and yesterday we had the immediate family dinner. I made apple crisp, too, just because the smell and thought of pumpkin pie was so intoxicating that I had to elaborate on its fall-ness.
G was in Boston for three days, so I was here with the kids. Okay, two and a half days, but in such instances you always round up. But you know...three days of dealing with them, baths, meals, and running around. It takes its toll. I know I really have no cause to complain, because there are plenty of single moms who would love to have a little bit of help, but I am just feeling left behind. And tonight? Yeah, he's playing volleyball with his friends. His younger friends. You know, the ones without spouses and kids. He needs to get with some family men, because I'm tired of drinking wine by myself every night.
Tomorrow we may or may not have house guests, which my mother-in-law has invited to stay at my house. Yes, you read that right. She invited them. Man, I love her. First she invited herself, her brother, and her best she's not coming, but has assured the other two that we won't mind if they still come. We have not heard from them, so I'm not sure whether they'll still come or not. She has always used our home as a hotel for whenever she's in the area. And, now that we have three kids, there is no more guest room. There is a bed in the basement, and the couch...and the basement is a disaster of toys, computer stuff, and my sewing stuff. I'm really not in the mood for a stash & dash cleaning session. Nor am I in the mood to have a perfect stranger stay in my already busy home. Do y'all have a MIL like mine?
This weekend is the last RenFest already. Just seems impossible, what with all this warm weather we're still having. It's supposed to be downright chilly by now...the bees are supposed to be gone, and you're supposed to drink mead in order to help stay warm. Oh well, I'm going anyway. Can't believe I haven't been yet this year, but that's par for the course. G is sad that I'm going to miss his volleyball double-header. Gee, which would you pick?
Happy weekend!

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