Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Happy Halloween

I know I'll be too busy tomorrow to say it, so Happy Halloween.  I have costumes to wash, school to get to, kids to wrestle into costumes, makeup to apply, treats to pass out, kids to cart around, and candy to haul.  But it will be fun. 

We carved pumpkins last night, and fought.  The usual...who does more, who is inconsiderate, who doesn't understand.  It was loads of fun.  G actually carved his pumpkin with a jig saw. 


I guess it made quick and fairly precise work of it, but I wouldn't say it's for everyone.  In the end, he got a nice, mean-looking pumpkin, which is what he wanted.  I won't comment any further. 




So anyway, tonight is his volleyball night.  Last night, he complained that he was missing the game...I guess because he was carving his pumpking.  As though that was an obligation.  Nevermind the fact that I carved three kids' pumpkins, in addition to my own.  Back to volleyball.  Tonight was an extra-long night, because he had to "call lines".  That means I did dinner and herded the bunch to gymnastics myself, as usual.  I had to wrangle the two boys while we watched Cam's last "showcase" class (and I did two other showcase classes today, as well).  That was a little less than fun, although she did a great job.  She seems to be really built for gymnastics, and has always enjoyed it.  I put up a couple of new pictures, if you're interested.  Then, after VB, he's going to call and ask if I mind if he goes to this cool little tequila bar they've been going to.  He doesn't even like tequila, and suffice it to say that I'm pretty jealous, and pretty peeved.  I'm home with the kids, drinking wine by myself again.  Speaking of kids, they've been running amok since we got home.  I tried to coerce them into eating the dinner they balked at earlier...potstickers, garlic lo mein, and fresh squash sauteed in garlic & olive oil.  What's wrong with them?  Anyway, I guess I should go bathe them now, and put them to bed.  A good mom would do that.  I'm so going to Mexico again next year.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Complaining is My Hobby

Well, this has been a busy week. My oldest baby turned eight yesterday, and I have already proclaimed my disbelief. She wanted breakfast for her birthday "dinner", and pumpkin pie rather than a cake. Sunday, we had her party, and yesterday we had the immediate family dinner. I made apple crisp, too, just because the smell and thought of pumpkin pie was so intoxicating that I had to elaborate on its fall-ness.
G was in Boston for three days, so I was here with the kids. Okay, two and a half days, but in such instances you always round up. But you know...three days of dealing with them, baths, meals, and running around. It takes its toll. I know I really have no cause to complain, because there are plenty of single moms who would love to have a little bit of help, but I am just feeling left behind. And tonight? Yeah, he's playing volleyball with his friends. His younger friends. You know, the ones without spouses and kids. He needs to get with some family men, because I'm tired of drinking wine by myself every night.
Tomorrow we may or may not have house guests, which my mother-in-law has invited to stay at my house. Yes, you read that right. She invited them. Man, I love her. First she invited herself, her brother, and her best friend...now she's not coming, but has assured the other two that we won't mind if they still come. We have not heard from them, so I'm not sure whether they'll still come or not. She has always used our home as a hotel for whenever she's in the area. And, now that we have three kids, there is no more guest room. There is a bed in the basement, and the couch...and the basement is a disaster of toys, computer stuff, and my sewing stuff. I'm really not in the mood for a stash & dash cleaning session. Nor am I in the mood to have a perfect stranger stay in my already busy home. Do y'all have a MIL like mine?
This weekend is the last RenFest already. Just seems impossible, what with all this warm weather we're still having. It's supposed to be downright chilly by now...the bees are supposed to be gone, and you're supposed to drink mead in order to help stay warm. Oh well, I'm going anyway. Can't believe I haven't been yet this year, but that's par for the course. G is sad that I'm going to miss his volleyball double-header. Gee, which would you pick?
Happy weekend!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

It's Just a Dream

Last night, I dreamt of kissing a Siamese twin. One of them, anyway. I woke up before I could move on to the other. So, I'm combing all the dream interpretation websites to try to figure out what it might mean. Such things are not what usually melts my butter...I mean, I don't get off on the odd. I'm not keeping the midget porn industry in business or anything. Dream Moods says:

To see twins in your dream, signifies ambivalence, dualities and opposites. It also represents security in business, faithfulness, and contentment with life. It may also mean that you are either in harmony with or in conflict between ideas and decisions.

Hmm. That's pretty accurate. There was also a storm...the most ominous looking storm I have ever seen. But, I was in a strong building, so I wasn't worried. This is what they said about storms:

To see a storm in your dream, signifies overwhelming struggle, shock, devastating loss and catastrophe in your personal affairs. The storm also represents unexpressed fears or emotions, such as anger, rage, turmoil, etc. On a more positive note, the storm signifies the rising of spirit within.
To dream that you take cover in a storm, foretells that whatever disturbance or problems is occurring in your life will quickly blow over. Consider also the phrase "weather the storm", which suggests your ability and strength to withstand whatever comes.

Yeah, that's pretty accurate, too. Apparently, there's a lot going on in my little brain, and it wants to surface, one way or the other. What do you think?

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Nothing New

I went to the gym again today...it's only my second time ever. We got kicked out (you know, because they were closing). It's kind of a good feeling to get kicked out of a gym. On the other hand, they were closing because they close early on Saturdays. You know, because most people have a life, unlike me.

G and the rest of the fam are in West Virginia, at Ralph's house, so it's strangely quiet here. I'm sipping my last glass of sangria, debating about going to get some more. Why can't they have delivery liquors? I guess that would be a bad idea.

So, my baby girl is about to turn eight. I know it sounds cliche, but I swear to you that I don't know where the time has gone. I cannot get my brain around the fact that she has been here for eight years...and that I'm eight years older than I was when I had her. When I consider how much I have changed since then, how my life has changed...it's just astounding. We are having a party for her next weekend, so I will be busy, busy this week. I remember being her age-birthday parties were so important. She really wants a hamster, but her father has forbid it (since, well, her room looks like a place that the county would likely condemn). Her frog recently died, too, so that makes me really want to get her the hamster...but you know, that would just be one more thing for me to take care of. Not to mention that it would cause strife between me and G. And can you imagine the two boys letting it out, giving it a haircut, or feeding it M&Ms? Yeah...

Oh yeah, and they're cutting our peaktime hours at work. I'll lose 4 hours per pay period. You know, that doesn't really hurt my feelings, because I'm pretty tired of working there. It used to be a great place to work, but my branch is subject to ridiculous politics these days. On the other hand, I guess I will miss the money. Especially since Comcast is not going to take over Millennium, and therefore I will get no free cable. SIGH. The price of everything is going up, but my salary is going down. I know, I know...I sound really old. It's because I am.

Happy fall...who's in on a Halloween fire?