Thursday, August 30, 2007

Archives-Dr. Mom 6/8/2007

June 8, 2007

I'm feeling the strains of motherhood/wifehood lately. I feel like I'm being pulled in about 19 different directions, and I'm, well, overextended. And tired, irritated, bored, and lonely. One more week left of school, and I'll have my daughter all day long, too. On her own, she is great. On his own, the middle boy is great. Put them together, and strife is bound to ensue. Add the little man, who's lately fond of hitting, pushing, biting, and spitting, and everyone's having a great time.
Speaking of the little man, he's sick. It started with a cold, which he had for about a week, then spiked a fever. In my professional mom experience, that means something is now infected with bacteria...ears, lungs, throat. Only, none of those things is "showing anything yet", as the doctor put it. That means, no medicine. That means, miserable baby. I'm supposed to give him ibuprofen and Tylenol, around the clock (has to be both, or the fever stays up) until Saturday, when being seen by the doctor is warranted again. Now, if he really has no infection come tomorrow morning, I will insert my foot into my mouth and commence chewing, but I'll also be completely surprised. My dearest G will have to take him to the dr, since I'll be at work...and pay another $15 copay...only to be told what I'm sure is true (something is infected). And then the doctor will finally give us the Pink Stuff. Until then, we have to deal with hours of screaming, like last night (*SIGH*). This is when I wish I lived in Mexico, so I could just go to the pharmacy and buy the Pink Stuff my own self.
We went to see a favorite New Orleans band, the Iguanas, the other night. They were really good, as always, but we were sad to see that the one sax player/singer Derek Huston is gone from the band. What makes it worse, he's the one who has recognized us each time we have seen them. He is replaced by a young kid with lots of hair who plays a mean trumpet...but he's no Derek. In a couple of weeks, we will go see Cowboy Mouth. I'm hoping all those guys are still the same, because they put on a great show. I guess all the NOLA bands must all be on tour IS getting hot down there, after all. Not as hot as here, today, though...97 degrees, what the heck is that? And me with my air conditioner in my car barely functioning. I'm not kidding, I can't tell whether the air it's putting out is any bit cool, or just slightly less hot than the stifling inferno of the rest of the car. A minivan is looking better and better. Guess I'd better go take my walk now, before I melt in the afternoon sun.

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