Thursday, August 7, 2008

It's A...

So, in case you don't get my baby site updates and you're interested:

I'm just back from my "big" ultrasound. All the parts are present and appear to be just fine, so that's good. Gordon was suprirsed and disappointed to find that it's a GIRL! For some reason, he really had it in his head that he wanted another boy, and that's what she was going to be. He kept complaining to the ultrasound tech and to me, but we reminded him that it's no one's fault but his own. His "boy" boys just didn't swim that well on that particular day, I guess.

I guess that's why we gave away a ton of our baby boy stuff a month before we got pregnant. I have to figure out what I have left and what I need. I'm happy to know what she is...I've been waiting not-so-patiently! Most of all, I'm glad there are no anomalies.

Hope you are all well!

Monday, August 4, 2008


Coldplay tickets....$178.50

Better Coldplay tickets....$230.00

Asking friends who already have four kids to watch your three kids last minute....potentially very costly

Parking at the Verizon Center....$20.00


Middle son gets the stomach flu and needs to be picked up mid-show....PRICELESS.


I'm sad. Very sad, on many levels.