Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Car Shopping

I test drove another Sienna today. This time, they offered to give me $2k for my truck, and the salesperson said they would probably go to $2500. They did not take anything off the price of the vehicle, though, leaving me about $2500 from where I’d like to be. The salesperson was casual, down-to-earth and reasonable. He treated me as though I were going to buy the vehicle--didn’t ask if I needed to contact my husband. I like that. I didn’t really get to talk to the manager, which is just as well. They’re usually the slimiest of them.

I might go look at another, tomorrow. I don’t even feel like having my truck appraised again...it’s not running well and the engine light is on. It’s embarrassing! Combine that with the dirty carpet, Cheerios and toys, and, well, can you blame them? I know they’re only going to wholesale it, but still...it’s worth more to me. The book value is about $2600 more than they’re offering, and that’s for only fair condition. High retail is about $5k more. So should I try to trade it, or sell it outright? Is it worth it to try to sell it? Or should I suck it up and pay more?

Anyway, the other Sienna I am interested in is $1k more, and it’s in Owings Mills. Another hike. I am one of those people who has to feel "this is it". I have to know that it’s right. I believe we didn’t get the first two we looked at because they weren’t right. Am I saying that we’ve been predestined to purchase a particular vehicle with a particular VIN number? No...just that I should have clarity and peace with the one I’m going to buy.

Last night, my 2yr old Noah tried on my mascara. He also tried it on the couch (thank God I don’t use waterproof, eh?). Some of you may remember a short while ago, when Collin did the same. It was pretty funny. He also emptied a can of Dermaplast all over the living room and himself, coating everything in a greasy fog. For the past week or two, he’s had an affinity for markers and pens. He wrote on both the dining room table and the coffee table with a pen, and the entire way up the stairwell with a green marker. More proof that when you realize it’s very quiet, it’s already too late. My friend complains that with the current state of things, he might have to be an Ikea shopper. Well, I’d rather my kids write on my Ikea stuff than my Ethan Allen. Today, Collin dumped an entire 20oz (cold) water on me. That, too, was a pleasant experience. It truly was an accident, though, so I couldn’t be too mad...and let’s face it--it could have been cherry KoolAid.

I think I will try to make some fish for dinner. I’m still on the fence about it. I am really NOT a fish person. I like shellfish, yes, but I pretty much always turn my nose up at even the finest selections of fish. I have, however, had a couple of types of salmon that I liked...I may try to replicate one of those recipes. I’m just tired of the same old thing...I like quite a bit of variety in my diet. That’s pretty hard to do, when you have not one, but four different people, with different degrees of pickiness, living in the same household. There is literally nothing that will make everyone happy. Sometimes I feel like making my own dinner, and telling the rest of them that they are on their own. I guess to be fair, I should wait until they’re at least old enough to use the stove!

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